
Growth trough diversity

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Quality and environmental management

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Warehouse logistics

Overseas freight



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Benefits The extras you get from Fried-Sped.

Satisfied employees should not be the exception, but rather the rule. How else can companies adorn themselves with healthy growth and stringent continuity? "Corporate benefits make the difference – between "highly motivated" and "okay". FRIED-SPED offers a wealth of extras, some of which can be adapted to the wishes and goals of each employee.

Company pension scheme

Better provided for in old age

In the future, the statutory pension will hardly be able to finance a comfortable "autumn of life". To put it in a nutshell, without additional private and occupational pension packages, old-age poverty is certain. The occupational pension scheme (bAV) can form part of the provision in old-age. We would be happy to personally discuss with you the financial benefits that FRIED-SPED can offer you.

Flexible working time models

For your work-life balance

The Corona pandemic between 2020 and 2022 – for all its tragedy – has turned out to be a real "game changer" for working life. A new sensitivity in dealing with one's own interests and goals has triggered a change in awareness among employees. FRIED-SPED has been adapting to this for a long time. Flexitime, part-time, home office, etc. are not just random words. Let's take a look at your perspectives and intentions.

Occupational health management

Your feel-good guarantee

What does "occupational health management” specifically mean? In addition to the statutory occupational health and safety measures, it includes voluntary health-promoting services, e.g. in terms of workplace equipment, physical fitness classes and team-building measures in order to strengthen mental well-being within teams or departments.

Company doctor

The confidant for your safety

In the field of logistics, especially in warehouses and workshops, the position of "occupational health and safety" is given a high priority. It is about taking maximum responsibility towards life and limb. Our trained occupational physician, who is recognised by the Chamber of medical practitioners, contributes as a company doctor: With a trained eye and company-specific experience, he ensures the optimal design and use of workplaces, sites, machines and processes.

Staff and company events

Get to know your team

It is what it is: Each individual is only strong in a team. And this is where mutual trust is crucial for the successful completion of our numerous logistics projects. That's why we attach great importance to bringing the teams together. Be it in the implementation of team-building events, at special company celebrations or public "open doors events".


Become a "Career leap trainer”

Our employees are also well networked beyond the company. This is the reason why many of our logistics professionals have found their way to us through private contacts – sometimes as career changers, returning employees and those coming from the region. The result: We are thought of more; FRIED-SPED is on everyone's lips and in everyone's eyes. Our image as an attractive employer is improving. That is worth something to us. And we are happy to pay for it.

Employee catering

The place you take a break

The small and longer breaks in a busy working day are the welcome times to recharge. To this end, we offer our employees fresh fruit, drinking water dispensers, coffee and tea every day. During breakfast and lunch breaks, our mobile meal service provides us with delicious and varied snacks and meals at fair prices.

Further education

Your personal advancement package

Do you want to advance personally and professionally? We want to support you. An essential component of the FRIED-SPED corporate culture is the recognition and promotion of the skills and competences of our employees. In this context, we offer you, for example, language courses and further training to become a specialist, master craftsman or business economist.

Bike leasing


You have the chance to lease a bike and benefit from attractive conditions and optimum insurance cover. So you are doing something for yourself, your health and of course for the environment.

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